Broken Plot Device

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Broken Plot Device

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    Review a movie


    Posts : 1015
    Join date : 2009-05-25
    Age : 43
    Location : Scotland

    Review a movie Empty Review a movie

    Post by Blackwolf Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:44 am

    in the depths of the amazon rainforest something stirs, Something vicious, evil and very very hungry.....

    Straight off the bat, you know this is gonna be a cheesey film of frankly EPIC levels, it doesn't fail to live up to that. After a US state offical is killed in a 'terrorist' attack, a special analyst is sent to investigate (bear his job in mind). He meets with a local professor (played by 80's pop star Tiffany) and the local army commander.
    He finds out that offical and co where killed by a swarm of piranha, he faces off with them underwater armed only with a knife and escapes to interogate the locals. Turns out the piranha where part of a project to help locals by improving various local wildlife (!?!?!?) and escaped/where stolen.
    It then becomes a battle to contain the piranha before they escape as they increase in size every few hours.

    It's a alright movie, nothing like the orignal Piranha movie recently remade in 3D. it's cheap, the script is terrible (yet funny as hell) and the hero has a chin that could break an iceburg.
    The problems and plot holes however are what make this film worth watching.
    * Watch as the vehicles transform (helicoptors, SUV and a cruiser becomes a battleship)
    * Watch a pencial pusher stealth with skill that would make Sam Fisher green with envy
    * The weediest nuclear weapon in movie history
    * The complete lack of physics, common sense, sense of reality
    (main character with NO knowlege of helicopter combat, using emergency oxygen to tubrocharge a helicopters engines with resulting effect similar to jet engines and a flare gun causing a head to explode)

    worth watching as a laugh but thats about it

    Posts : 1015
    Join date : 2009-05-25
    Age : 43
    Location : Scotland

    Review a movie Empty Piranha 3D

    Post by Blackwolf Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:19 pm

    A modern movie paying homage to the 1978 film. Set in a lake resort town during spring break a geological event releases the piranha and the munching begins.
    In the first couple of minutes we meet the main cast, and a standard trope is set up.
    The movie itself however is highly enjoyable with the 3d effects making the feeding lifelike, yet this isn't a typical gore feast that recent movies have become (despite having to sit through a Saw 3d trailer).
    There are moments of humour that tend to make the violence and carnage all the more effective.
    The writing is better than most recent films with little cheese present and the characters are lifelike.
    I know I haven't said much but I'm trying to give a feel for the film without giving too much away.
    But this film provided an excellent night's entertainment for myself and Tease, made me jump at least four times.
    (And I watched Robocop at 12, and am no stranger to scary movies)
    This film does what Megapiranha failed to do with a 20 kiloton nuclear weapon with a IED. It also provides some nonpiranha related deaths and shows college douches at their prime.
    It is quite bloody and gory with some graphic images of survivors following the main attack.

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